84th Engineer Battalion (Construction)
Association Viet Nam

Page 6
Thanks go out to
Glayron for these Pictures from Qui Nhon
I was in QuiNhon from June 66 to May 67.  The nature of being the Chaplain's Assisant took me to Orphanages and the Leper Colony quite often.

Orphan eating his first bite of Ice Cream. Christmas Dinner at HQ Company

Santa Claus visits the orphans at HQ Company

SP4 Faries with broken hand just after Christmas 1966- HQ Company

Statue at Leper Colony near Qui Nhon

Statue at Leper Colony near Qui Nhon

Statues at Leper Colony near Qui Nhon overlooking South China Sea. Beautiful

Statue at Leper Colony near Qui Nhon

"Main Street" at Leper Colony near Qui Nhon

From top of Radio Tower Mountain looking toward Ammo Dump (near brown spot in middle). Camp Williams just to left of Ammo Dump.

Qui Nhon view from near Radio Towers

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